Kelly's Conservation Forest
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Tree Poisoning

Below is a picture of an Australian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) tree. These are Australian imports that are most unwelcome as they grow and spread quickly. The second picture shows the poisoned stump of the tree once the tree has been cut down. Branches can be seen piled up in the background.

Picture of an Australian Blackwood tree

Picture of the stump of a blackwood tree

Slip Progress

The poplar sapplings planted a few weeks ago on the recent slip have started to sprout. This is an encouraging sign.

Picture of a poplar sappling with new leaves showing

Branches from the tree that was pushed into the creek by the slip have been cut off. This means the flow of water in the creek will not be seriously impeded and consequently the walls will not be gouged out.

Picture of the cleared creek bed

Lastly, near the bottom of the slip by the creek, is a group of ribbonwood trees. They are doing very well.

Picture of a group of ribbonwood trees

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