Shoring up the new wetland causeway with stones and relocating steps
A digger recently dumped a load of soil across a small stream's outlet in the wetland. The reasons to do this were: 1) To create more of a wetland environment for plants by trapping the water; 2) To obviate the need for a bridge to be built over the hollow where the stream flowed into the nearby bush; 3) To keep the water from exiting onto a nearby track.
Naturally enough the "causeway" became a bit soft and soggy, so stones were retrieved from the bush nearby, where they had been cleared from the wetland years ago when the area was actively farmed, and laid atop the causeway. The following pictures show the progress of the work.
Above: gathering rocks from a nearby track.
The two pictures below give a good indication of how the rocks were laid, and where the causeway was situated.
Repositioned steps
Because of bank subsidence due to stream overflow, on one of the tracks steps had to be relocated away from the edge. The pictures below show Ian and Lindy putting finishing touches to the work, and a top-down view of the steps. The bank that has fallen away is on the right of the second picture.
Other stuff
A man-made-looking fungi growing on the forest floor (basket fungi).
Below: Kai (closest) and Barney ready to go to work. Flo can just be seen through the back window of the cab.
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