Kelly's Conservation Forest
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Doing a few fix-up jobs before the upcoming public planting

There were a few jobs to do before the public planting this Saturday (in two days time: The boardwalk that Ian and I had made last week needed to be covered in wire netting to make it more non-slip; some wire that separated the wetland from the forest had been cut to allow access to and from two diverted sections of track (the diversion had ro be made due to slips); and track steps across a slip had to be made safer.

Below is a picture of the wooden boardwalk, through the boggy area at the bottom of the wetland, covered in anti-slip netting.

A picture of the wooden boardwalk through the wet area covered in anti-slip netting

Below are two pictures of the strengthened steps through a slip (which is on the Eastern edge of the wetland). The original steps had no fronts to them so were prone to collapsing. Note how wet the soil is. Also note that the pegs holding back the boards at the front of each step have been fashioned out of pieces of trees. The pegs will rot quite quickly, but they are a good stop-gap measure in the mean time.

In the second picture exposed tree roots can be seen. The exposure happened when the earth slipped down hill.

The steps seen front on A side on and top down picture of the steps showing how wet the ground is ↜ All Posts