Kelly's Conservation Forest
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Track repairs after recent heavy rain

Recent heavy rain caused the creek that runs through the old bush, the new plantings and on into Jenkins stream, to flood, eat into its banks and spread its course. The picture below graphically shows this.

The quick fix is to cut into the bank on the right of the grassy track to winden the track. Another option would be to reroute the track higher up the slope, but this would entail much more work. This may need to be done in the future though.

A picture showing how the edge of a track has been eaten away by the flooding of the creek

The following two pictures show: 1) Ian and Lindy working on the track; 2) The finished job.

A picture of Ian and Lindy working on the track A picture of the finished, widened track

Footbridge by picnic area

Debri and silt washed down the stream through the old forest gully. It got caught up on the footbridge near the picnic area. The following images show this.

A picture of debri caught up at one end of the footbridge

The picture above gives an indication of how high the stream rose.

A picture of debri caught up underneath the footbridge

Debri caught-up underneth the bridge (the old stump was quite big and took a bit of extracting!). Note the build-up of silt as well. Hopefully this will wash away in time.

A picture of debri cleared from footbridge

The picture above shows the log has been cleared from the footbridge, as has the debri caught up at one end.

A picture of the stream downstream of the footbridge

Above is a picture of the stream, downstream of the footbridge. The streambed is noticeably wider than it was before the rain.

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