Kelly's Conservation Forest
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Extra Shadecloth for Shadehouse Area

We are having a hot summer, although daylight hours and heat are starting to lessen now that summer is getting on. The plants that are hardening off outside the shadehouse, and those that are still in it, have needed dayly watering. Also, the fierce heat from the sun has burned some of the plant leaves. To counteract this, Lindy has rigged shadecloth above the outside hardening-off area and also laid extra cloth over the cloth or netting that is part of the shadehouse roof.

Today we repositioned the outside shadecloth so it better shades the plants, and also laid more cloth over the shadehouse roof. The two pictures below show aspects of this work.

Extra shadecloth put over plants hardening-off area outside of shadehouse

The above picture shows the outside area with shadecloth secured using twine attached to trees. Note the use of cable ties to tie the strips of shadecloth together to make one big cloth.

Extra shadecloth being put on roof of shadehouse

The above picture shows shadecloth being secured to the roof.

At some point in the future, when the sun is not so fierce, the extra shadecloth will be removed.

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