Spring 2023 Track Work
In a couple of weeks a public open day is planned, and a lot of work has been done to tracks network - repairing old tracks and building new ones.
The Western Block suffered alot of slips two Winters ago (Winter 2022). Tracks were destroyed in many places. The pictures below show some of the new tracks, or bits of tracks, that have been built.
New Track
The two following pictures show a new bit of track that was built to replace the track that slipped away in the middle of the West Block. It is a steep track and no doubt will need some remedial work once it has weathered due to its steepness.
Looking up the track. Rocks can be seen at the side of the track. These reinforce the edge.
...and looking down it. The track zig-zags near the bottom, and a steeply eroded gully can just be seen. The original track ran across the head of this gully. The old bush can be seen in the gully at the top of the picture.
Planting along the edge of the new track to help stablise it.
New Steps
The above picture shows how the track at the start of the Western Bush track has been washed out. As can be seen it is quites deep and would need to be bridged. A more robust solution has been constructed by routing a new track down the slope opposite the picnic area, The next few pictures show the new track.
Streambed and Bridge
Below is a picture taken looking up the gully from the edge of the dry streambed. Note how well the trees and bushes are growing.
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