Clearing Vines from Trees
Above is a picture of vines hanging from trees. The vines are a mixture of two types: banana passionfruit and old man's beard. The vines can smother a tree's foliage causing its leaves to die. Naturally enough this is not good for the tree. The picture below is a closer view and it shows a tangle of banana pashionfruit vines.
A before shot: The vines can be quite thick in size if they have been growing for some time. The picture below shows old man's beard vines growing up from the base of a kanuka tree.
The after shot: The vines have been cut back. At the bottom right can be seen a vine stump that is poisoned with pink coloured gel. The bases of the other vines, where the main roots begin, are not at the base of the tree.
Below is a picture of some of the 'tools of the trade': a pruning saw, leather gloves and a bottle of poison, and poisoned banana passionfruit stumps. Note how large they are.
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